Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Going to attempt #62, #71 & #95

Hey guys,
well, as you can see, I'm going to attempt #62, #71 and #95. That means I'm going to make dinner, do something nice without being asked and make the ultimate milkshake. How? Well,this is my plan for tonight:
1. My friend will come over. Together we will start preparing dinner.
2. I will deck the table [nice thing without being asked, check!].
3. I will invite people to come and eat
4. Dinner is served!
5. Guess the dessert? Yup! Mmmm milkshake....

Ta-da! What d'you think?

I can't wait,

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Success! #17, #50, #52, #65, #86 Fail! #44

Hi readers,
I did a few of these before so I will fill them in now!
I did:
#17 - act in a play (school musical yesterday :D)
#50 - Pretend to be ill convincingly (I didn't want to go to school!)
#52 - Learn to swim
#65 - Learn to juggle (it's fun! But I can only do it with cloth D:)
#86 - Sing in front of an audience (Yup, school musical, choir, etc etc etc)

I failed:
#44 - Teach your grandparents something new (I tried.... =P)

Gotta remember to edit the list page and fill in the form of the book. I wonder if I can remember the dates... :?


Success! #36

This is my attempt at #36 [make your own blog]. Like it?